Contact Us
Our offices are located in Dallas, Texas, which is in close proximity to the Eastern District of Texas and the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas.
Dallas is a growing venue for patent infringement litigation with the Northern District of Texas and the District’s participation in the Patent Pilot Program.
While we have extensive experience in the Eastern, Western, and Northern Districts of Texas, we have also litigated cases across the country, including courts in Florida, California, Illinois, Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and before the International Trade Commission.
2121 N. Pearl St.
Suite 1200
Dallas, Texas 75201
PHONE: (214) 888-4848
FAX: (214) 888-4849
If you are interested in trying complex, high-stakes cases in an informal, collaborative work environment, please get in touch with us. Email your resume to